Freedom Truckers & Senator Johnson and Senator Cruz hold Press Conference Meeting in Washington D.C. (VIDEO) - The Freedom Truckers, Senator Johnson and also Senator Cruz hold a press conference meeting in Washington D.C.

Freedom Truckers & Senator Johnson and Senator Cruz hold Press Conference Meeting in Washington D.C. (VIDEO)

Today a positive event happened for once in our nation’s capital. The Freedom Truckers, Senator Johnson and also Senator Cruz hold a press conference meeting in Washington D.C. At some points during this press conference things do intensify and of course rightfully so. The politicians have told us over and over again to “trust the science”. However it is quite apparent that the lockdowns and additionally the push to get everyone vaccinated was never about science. Because if it was about science then health officials and politicians would have had healthy debates on how to conquer the pandemic problem. We were only allowed to listen to one side of the argument and the other side was completely censored by big tech and also the media.

The freedom truckers have stepped up to try to do something about all of the corruption that has occurred in the CDC and other government agencies. This press conference is only one step in the process of trying to get all of the mandates stopped but the truckers and in addition everyone who is fighting for freedom will do whatever is necessary to get things back to normal in the United States.

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