SGT Report, Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet: Where are the Children?
SGT Report, Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet: Where are the Children? What happened to all of the missing children from Maui? Also, why aren’t their parents being interviewed about their lost children? Check out our MAGA PODCAST VIDEO page to discover more patriots’ videos.
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Maricopa County is finally forced to Admit that they Deleted Election Files
Today Maricopa County Board of Supervisors were forced to admit that they deleted and moved election files after they were subpoenaed.
Michael Jaco and Charlie Ward discuss Weathering the Storm and the potential of Deep State street thugs emerging (VIDEO) - Michael Jaco and Charlie Ward talk about different aspects of the current battle against the Deep State.
More Questions arise of Joe Biden not really residing in the White House after Proof of another fake background emerge
Once again Joe Biden was busted sitting in front of a proven fake background as he sat supposedly in the Oval Office of the White House.
This Retired Nurse is asking the Question that we all need answered.
Here is a video of a retired nurse asking the question that we all need answered. Stop watching the poison TV cable mockingbird networks.
ANOTHER Pfizer Whistleblower talks to Project Veritas and steps forward with More Shocking Allegations! - Another Pfizer whistleblower has stepped forward with embarrassing emails that the company does not want the public to see.
(VIDEO) Great Documentary on Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset plan
Here is a great documentary video that shows different events that elites have done and are doing to implement their Great Reset plan.
(VIDEO) ARREST BILL GATES! Protestors chant “Arrest Bill Gates” outside of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
A video of protestors chanting "ARREST BILL GATES". These people protested outside of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in London.
David Nino Rodriguez: (VIDEO) CRISIS ALERT
David Nino Rodriguez gives his daily MAGA podcast to keep patriots up to date on current events happening in the conservative world.
Bannons War Room: (VIDEO) Push For Brain Implants Promising Happiness
Bannons War Room: (VIDEO) Push For Brain Implants Promising Happiness. Joe Allen talks about the push for transhumanism. EXPLOSIVE VIDEO Emerges of Fauci and HHS Officials Plotting for ‘A New Avian Flu Virus’ to Enforce Universal Flu Vaccination (VIDEO) - Alex Jones of Infowars made a special broadcast on Monday night regarding an explosive video of Fauci with HHS officials. is now posting on Telegram! Follow us there and on other Social Media platforms. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts. Telegram at: Facebook at: Twitter at: at: @Palbulletin Parler at: @PalBulletin Rumble at: Bitchute at: Brighteon at: Sharing is caring! 0 shares Share Tweet Pin
How are Flynn, Wood, Clements, Powell, Lindell and Others connected to 1776?
How are Flynn, Wood, Clements, Powell, Lindell and Others connected to 1776? Trump stepped up and so did these American patriots.
(VIDEO) Michael Jaco interviews Patriot Juan O Savin
Former Navy Seal Michael Jaco interviews patriot Juan O Savin in this video podcast. Juan O Savin has many MAGA fans because of his logic.
The Charlie Kirk Show: (VIDEO) Biden Reveals His “666” Plan For America
Now the Satanic communists don't even care if we know of their true agenda. Joe Biden gives a subliminal message of his 666 plan while speaking with reporters.
Boom! PROJECT VERITAS latest video Exposing Pfizer and the Truth right from the their own Scientists Mouths
This time Project Veritas completely exposes many of the scientists that work for big pharma company Pfizer regarding the Covid-19 vaccine.
It appears that India has just proven that a cheap Ivermectin Medicine Kit solves the Pandemic! - It appears that India has just proven that a cheap Ivermectin medicine kit solves the Covid-19 pandemic!
Wow! F-Bombs Drop all over the place Directed at Nancy Pelosi! (VIDEO)
Someone on a cell phone shot this video of people harassing and calling Nancy Pelosi a "Fucking Communist" as she tries to enter a building. Black woman in Douglasville accused of pretending to be white man, threatening neighbors
Residents on Manning Drive began receiving notes last December from a person who claimed to be a white male member of the Ku Klux Klan.
THE MEL K SHOW: (VIDEO) Attorney Tom Renz talks about shocking Medicaid/Medicare raw data - Mel K interviews attorney Tom Renz and they talk about government corruption in the health industry.
Thrivetime Show: (VIDEO) Lin Wood Fireside Chat 25 – Discussing Kim Clement’s Prophecy about Joe Biden - Thrivetime Show: (VIDEO) Lin Wood Fireside Chat 25 - Discussing Kim Clement’s Prophecy about Joe Biden.
Thegatewaypundit: Taiwan Says It’s Preparing for War as China Sends a Record 52 Warplanes Into Taiwan Airspace
Taiwan says it’s preparing for war as China sends a record number of airplanes over the island country. China is escalating pressure on Taiwan
Dustin Nemos: (VIDEO) Attorney Thomas Renz Releases Data from Never Before Seen Vaccine Injury/Death Tracking System.
One of the speakers at the Colorado Reawaken America Tour event was attorney Thomas Renz. He shocked patriots with proof of vaccine lies.
Is an Individual about to emerge from the Shadows with Evidence of a Shadow Government? (VIDEO)
Nations in Action ITALYGATE investigator Maria Zack has reappeared and stating that there is far more to this puzzle than Italy.
Sky News Australia Special Investigation on what really happened in Wuhan? - Sky News Australia has came out with an excellent documentary on their investigation on Covid-19 and the Wuhan Lab in China.
NBA basketball player Draymond Green tells the Media why People don’t want to take the Vaccine (VIDEO)
Warriors star Draymond Green must have really ticked off the media, sports owners and politicians with his anti forced vaccine speech at this recent press conference. Durham Issues New Subpoenas in Probe of FBI Russia Investigation, Targets Clinton Campaign Law Firm
John Durham, the attorney tapped by the Trump administration to audit the Russia investigation, has reportedly handed down a new set of subpoenas.
Patriots In Tune Show interviews Attorney Lin Wood (VIDEO) 9/30/21 - The Patriots in Tune Show has an excellent interview with attorney Lin Wood. As usual he is honest and controversial.
General Flynn posts on Telegram a Top 17 list of Issues “Bombarding America’s Psyche”
General Flynn lists on Telegram 17 of the largest problems the liberals are purposely initiating in order to keep power and destroy our rights
Stew Peters Show: (VIDEO) George Papadopoulos talks about the latest on the Durham Investigation
George Papadopoulos appears on the Stew Peters Show in this video. He had worked on the 2016 Trump campaign and he discusses the John Durham investigation.
(VIDEO) Crazy Liberals will once again be Furious about Joe Rogan’s latest statements about Covid
Joe Rogan may fit into the logical category against communism. He once again made harsh statements about the vaccine and vaccine passports.
Thegatewaypundit: Wisconsin Special Counsel Michael Gableman Issues Subpoenas in His 2020 Election Probe – Will Any Justice Be Served?
Wisconsin Special Counsel Michael Gableman has subpoenaed election officials for his investigation into the 2020 Election irregularities.
Doug Billings interviews ITALYGATE investigator Maria Zack and General Mcinerney about the Shadow Government
Doug Billings interviews Maria Zack and General Mcinerney and they discuss the battle and events happening against the shadow government. COVID-19 Enterprise Fraud Construct Timeline: Major Dates, Events, Entities & Legislation
This timeline contains most of the relevant major dates, events, entities and legislation for the COVID-19 enterprise fraud construct.
Nicholas Veniamin and Mel K discuss Audits, Facebook and Health Care (VIDEO) - Nicholas Veniamin and Mel K talk about the recent Arizona forensic audit report that was released by the Cyber Ninjas.
(VIDEO) Parent Blows up at School Board Meeting about their Gender Identity ideas
This angry parent in this video tells his local demented school board just how he feels about their gender identity politics.
Thegatewaypundit: (VIDEO) Arizona Audit Volunteers Reveal Findings – DISTURBING Elections Irregularities Discovered
Listen to Arizona audit volunteers speak about what they witnessed while examining the ballots during the forensic audit process.
Doug Billings interviews Italygate investigator Maria Zack and She says that someone from France is coming out with HUGE NEWS!
Nations in Action and Maria Zack are saying that an individual from France is about to step forward about proof of a shadow government.
Eric Swalwell is asked about his China links and the Russia scandal (VIDEO)
Ben Bergquam is an awesome reporter for Real America's Voice and asks California Representative Eric Swalwell about his ties to China. Elon Musk’s Crusade to Save You — By Destroying Your Humanity
Transhumanist Elon Musk wants to jam Neuralink chips into our brains so we can keep pace with the AI systems his programmers are creating.
Stew Peters interviews Sidney Powell and she says that the Military can Determine Election Outcomes! (VIDEO)
Sidney Powell is interviewed by Stew Peters in this intriguing video. She makes a bunch of claims against our Government & the Deep State.