Kash Patel testifies in court regarding January 6th & the National Guard. Here is something else that the MSM will deliberately not show.

Kash Patel testifies in court regarding January 6th & the National Guard

Kash Patel testifies in court regarding January 6th & the National Guard. Here is something else that the MSM will deliberately not show to the American people. Check out more videos such as this one on our Pal Bulletin Rumble or our new Deep State Crime Scene Rumble channels.


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Dailywire.com: DOJ Targets Elon Musk’s SpaceX For Allegedly Preferring To Hire U.S. Citizens

DOJ Targets Elon Musk’s SpaceX For Allegedly Preferring To Hire U.S. Citizens https://www.dailywire.com/news/doj-targets-elon-musks-spacex-for-allegedly-preferring-to-hire-u-s-citizens Sharing is caring! Share Tweet Pin

Pal Bulletin Press - Jovan Hutton Pulitzer

Election Fraud Investigator Patriot Jovan Hutton Pulitzer posted this on 2-2-21

Election Fraud Investigator Patriot Jovan Hutton Pulitzer posted this on 2-2-21  

Pal Bulletin Press - Jovan Hutton Pulitzer

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, who is one of the Patriots who is leading the investigation into voter fraud posted this on Gab 2-1-21

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, who is one of the Patriots who is leading the investigation into voter fraud posted this on Gab 2-1-21

Itnshow.com: Italian Military Plane Landed At Andrews Air Force Base On January 11, Partially Confirming Intelligence Received By ItalyGate Investigator Maria Zack

Italian Military Plane Landed At Andrews Air Force Base On January 11, Partially Confirming Intelligence Received By ItalyGate Investigator Maria Zack https://itnshow.com/2021/01/28/italian-military-plane-landed-at-andrews-air-force-base-on-january-11-partially-confirming-intelligence-received-by-italygate-investigator-maria-zack/ 1

Thegatewaypundit: Trump Was Right! CNN Sees Viewership Shrink by 44% in First Post-Trump Week – MSNBC Down 20%

Trump Was Right! CNN Sees Viewership Shrink by 44% in First Post-Trump Week – MSNBC Down 20% https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/trump-right-trump-hating-cnn-sees-viewership-shrink-44-first-week-china-joes-administration/

PatriotStreetfighter: 2.1.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #40: Burma Military Takedown On Cabal Puppets

2.1.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #40: Burma Military Takedown On Cabal Puppets https://rumble.com/vdhtvp-2.1.21-patriot-streetfighter-post-election-update-40-burma-military-takedow.html

Anna Khait: BREAKING: Audio Pt. 1& 2 of whistleblower Alan Parrot with Congressman Weldon & Brian Ettinger

Anna Khait: BREAKING: Audio Pt. 1& 2 of whistleblower Alan Parrot with Congressman Weldon & Brian Ettinger BREAKING: Audio Pt. 1 of whistleblower Alan Parrot with Congressman Weldon & Brian Ettinger Congressman Curt Weldon prepares CIA whistleblower Alan Howell Parrot for introduction to Joe Biden attorney and Fixer Brian S. Ettinger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyYX2fiUZOc&t=20s BREAKING: Audio Pt. […]

Anna Khait: Benghazi Whistleblower explains what is Coming! #AMP​ Fest

Anna Khait: Benghazi Whistleblower explains what is Coming! #AMP​ Fest Interview with Benghazi Whistleblower Nick Noe shares his story and information that will be released through Media outlets soon. This is the BIGGEST STORY to break in American History!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_VQ0CP2S5U

2-2-21 Lin Wood Telegram Posts

2-2-21 Lin Wood Telegram Posts

2-2-21 Sidney Powell Telegram Posts

2-2-21 Sidney Powell Telegram Posts



Thegatewaypundit: Judicial Watch Asks Supreme Court to Uphold Court Ruling Requiring Hillary Clinton to Testify Under Oath About Her Emails

Judicial Watch Asks Supreme Court to Uphold Court Ruling Requiring Hillary Clinton to Testify Under Oath About Her Emails https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/judicial-watch-asks-supreme-court-uphold-court-ruling-requiring-hillary-clinton-testify-oath-emails/

Pal Bulletin Press - Trump Zoom Call: Interesting photo. Photoshopped?

Trump Zoom Call: Interesting photo. Photoshopped?

Trump Zoom Call: Interesting photo. Photoshopped?

X22Report: Ep. 2393b – Panic In DC, Election Fraud Projection, It’s Time To Return Publicly

Ep. 2393b – Panic In DC, Election Fraud Projection, It’s Time To Return Publicly https://rumble.com/vdhj3n-ep.-2393b-panic-in-dc-election-fraud-projection-its-time-to-return-publicly.html

Nypost.com: Capitol officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt not likely to face charges

Capitol officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt not likely to face charges https://nypost.com/2021/02/01/capitol-officer-who-killed-ashli-babbitt-not-likely-to-face-charges/

Thegatewaypundit: BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Tearing Down Barricades at Rochester Police Station

BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Tearing Down Barricades at Rochester Police Station https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/breaking-black-lives-matter-tearing-barricades-rochester-police-station/

WHAS11: US Army Night Airborne Operation Italy – I accidentally came across this video. Why are we paratrooping into italy? I find the dates with everything interesting also.

WHAS11: US Army Night Airborne Operation Italy – I accidentally came across this video. Why are we paratrooping into italy? I find the dates with everything interesting also. U.S. Army Paratroopers assigned to the 173rd Airborne Brigade, conduct night airborne operation after exiting a U.S. Air Force 86th Air Wing C-130 Hercules aircraft, under COVID-19 […]

Donald Trump Jr. Tweets

Check out our Daily Donald Trump Jr. Twitter Feed Page!

Check out our Daily Donald Trump Jr. Twitter Feed Page! https://palbulletin.com/donald-trump-jr-tweets/

Oann.com: President Trump Announces New Legal Defense Team For Impeachment Trial

Oann.com: President Trump Announces New Legal Defense Team For Impeachment Trial https://www.oann.com/president-trump-announces-new-legal-defense-team-for-impeachment-trial/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=president-trump-announces-new-legal-defense-team-for-impeachment-trial

PatriotStreetfighter: 1.31.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #39: Mainland CCP Targeted, Robinhood Revelations

PatriotStreetfighter: 1.31.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #39: Mainland CCP Targeted, Robinhood Revelations https://rumble.com/vdh4i5-1.31.21-patriot-streetfighter-post-election-update-39-mainland-ccp-targeted.html

2-1-21 Lin Wood Telegram Posts

2-1-21 Lin Wood Telegram Posts Lin Wood DID NOT POST this link. However, here is the video that shows the FBI whistleblower testimony that discusses Mike Pence, Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, and others. Triggered Newscast: Whistleblower Testimony Vindicates Lin Wood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-k5geLXyd0&t=2173s

2-1-21 Sidney Powell Telegram Posts

2-1-21 Sidney Powell Telegram Posts  

SGT Report: SITH LORDS AND DEMONS - Frank from Quite Frankly returns to SGT Report to shine the light on Sith Lords and demons.

SGT Report: SITH LORDS AND DEMONS – Frank from Quite Frankly returns to SGT Report to shine the light on Sith Lords and demons like Klaus Schwab whose empires will crumble like sand castles as…

SGT Report: SITH LORDS AND DEMONS - Frank from Quite Frankly returns to SGT Report to shine the light on Sith Lords and demons.

Thegatewaypundit: What a Clown: Never-Trumper Adam Kinzinger Forms PAC to “Take Back” GOP from Trump

What a Clown: Never-Trumper Adam Kinzinger Forms PAC to “Take Back” GOP from Trump https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/clown-never-trumper-adam-kinzinger-forms-pac-take-back-gop-trump/

Thegatewaypundit: Biden White House OUTRAGED After Burmese Military Arrests Country’s Leaders over Alleged November Voter Fraud

Biden White House OUTRAGED After Burmese Military Arrests Country’s Leaders over Alleged November Voter Fraud https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/hmm-biden-white-house-outraged-burmese-military-arrests-countrys-leaders-alleged-voter-fraud/

Nations In Action: Salem Radio Network: Maria Zack LIVE on “Ark Midnight” with John B Wells 11pm, EST, 1.30.21

Salem Radio Network: Maria Zack LIVE on “Ark Midnight” with John B Wells 11pm, EST, 1.30.21 A new interview with Maria Zack on the #ITALYDIDIT scandal and the allegations of Italy, Leonardo Spa, and many others’ involvement in the stolen presidential election of 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrE8KgDxtCo

Feiko_O: Retired Gen. Thomas McInerney on WW3

Retired Gen. Thomas McInerney on WW3 https://rumble.com/vdanof-retired-gen.-thomas-mcinerney-on-ww3.html

Thegatewaypundit: Five of Trump’s Impeachment Lawyers Leave Defense Team 9 Days Before Senate Trial

Five of Trump’s Impeachment Lawyers Leave Defense Team 9 Days Before Senate Trial https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/five-trumps-impeachment-lawyers-leave-defense-team-9-days-senate-trial/

1-31-21 Lin Wood Telegram Posts

1-31-21 Lin Wood Telegram Posts

1-31-21 Sidney Powell Telegram Posts

1-31-21 Sidney Powell Telegram Posts  

Triggered Newscast: Whistleblower Testimony Vindicates Lin Wood

Whistleblower Testimony Vindicates Lin Wood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-k5geLXyd0&t=2166s

Thegatewaypundit: SNL Runs Disgusting Hit Piece on Mike Lindell, Mocks Him for Previous Drug Addiction and His Support for Donald Trump (VIDEO)

SNL Runs Disgusting Hit Piece on Mike Lindell, Mocks Him for Previous Drug Addiction and His Support for Donald Trump (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/snl-runs-disgusting-hit-piece-mike-lindell-mocks-previous-drug-addiction-support-donald-trump-video/

X22Report: Ep. 2391b – Marker [KC] 11.3, The Elite’s System Is In The Process Of Being Exposed

X22Report: Ep. 2391b – Marker [KC] 11.3, The Elite’s System Is In The Process Of Being Exposed https://rumble.com/vdeh3p-ep.-2391b-marker-kc-11.3-the-elites-system-is-in-the-process-of-being-expos.html

Project Veritas to leak tape of Top Facebook Executives tomorrow 1-31-21

Project Veritas to leak tape of Top Facebook Executives tomorrow 1-31-21

Since the Inauguration have you seen Biden do any of these things?

Since the Inauguration have you seen Biden do any of these things?

Pal Bulletin Press - Breaking: Pentagon halts plan to vaccinate Gitmo detainees

Breaking: Pentagon halts plan to vaccinate Gitmo detainees

Breaking: Pentagon halts plan to vaccinate Gitmo detainees



1-30-21 Lin Wood Telegram Posts

1-30-21 Lin Wood Telegram Posts

1-30-21 Sidney Powell Telegram Posts

1-30-21 Sidney Powell Telegram Posts

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