Kash Patel testifies in court regarding January 6th & the National Guard

Kash Patel testifies in court regarding January 6th & the National Guard. Here is something else that the MSM will deliberately not show to the American people. Check out more videos such as this one on our Pal Bulletin Rumble or our new Deep State Crime Scene Rumble channels.
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X22 Report: Ep. 2977b – The Beginning Of The End, News Unlocks Past, Trump Sends Message
Dave from X22 Report tells us the latest details from the war against the deep state.
President Trump Speech at World Economic Forum in 2020 (VIDEO)
It had to have been painful to hang out with those elites as he attended the World Economic Forum meeting in 2020.
Mel K & Flyover Conservatives: Globalists meet in Davos at the World Economic Forum to talk about How they Will Control Us
Mel K and the Flyover Conservatives discuss the group that is behind the push for the new world order.
Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay & Michael Jaco: 2023 is the Year of the Takedown of the Deep State
Michael Jaco and Scott McKay have a great discussion on a number of things that are happening to reveal the many criminal operations that the deep state have been leading.
Patel Patriot, Burning Bright & Just Human: Investigations happening in the Background
The three patriots once again dig into what could be possibly be happening behind the scenes as they look at old documentation and Q posts to decipher what could happen next.
They are going to Force Joe Biden to step down. CNN is finally Reporting that Biden’s Brothers referenced him in Business Dealings
It now appears that even the fake news propagandists want Joe Biden to leave office also.
Derek Johnson & Steve Shultz: This is a Military Operation that Started a long time ago
Derek is once again very entertaining and honest as he talks with Steve Shultz from Elijah Streams about the white hat military operation that is going on in the background.
Fearless With Jason Whitlock: The ‘COVID Cartel’ & the Price for Freedom, w/ Senator Ron Johnson, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and John Stockton
Fearless With Jason Whitlock has great informative conversations with Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., John Stockton and also Steve Deace from The Blaze.
Flip the Switch w/Jenn & Maria: January 6 Protestor Brian Mock tells his Wild Story with the FBI, the Courts & Jail after that Historic Day
Flip the Switch w/Jenn & Maria have an intriguing conversation with Brian Mock as he tells the shocking details of what he went through after January 6th.
It Finally Happened! Conservative Media Rebel News corners Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on the Streets of Davos. This video MUST go Viral!
Everyone absolutely needs to show this video to their liberal pro-vaccine friends.
Glenn Beck: My visit to Vatican City proves EVIL IS EVERYWHERE
Glenn Beck talks about his strange visit to the Vatican and additionally how evil does lurk there.
Deep State employee Piers Morgan interviews Alex Jones. The Interview did not go Well (VIDEO)
Good try Piers. I bet that you don't try to interview someone who is much wittier than you again.
World Economic Forum meet in Davos in 2023 to Determine how to Enslave Humanity
Klaus Schwab, John Kerry and additionally many other "elitists" decided to get together to discuss how to push their false claims of climate change.
Kerry Cassidy interview with Patriot Underground: Biden Documents, Russia and the Underground War & More!
They discuss many different topics including the white hat operation, Biden classified documents, Secret space program, the underground war and additionally much more.
SG Anon: Saudi Arabia, Biden & Delaware | New Island Hellhole Coming to the Public Awareness | Operational Scopes Enormous
SG Anon talks about many events that he says are happening in the background in a white hat operation.
X22 Report: Ep. 2974b – [HRC] Panics Over Russia Hoax, [DS] Trapped In The Classified Document Narrative
Dave from X22 Report tells us the details on the latest news from the battle against the deep state.
The Intelligence Briefing with John B. Wells: Interviews with General McInerney, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, Dr. John Waterman & More!
Host of the Intelligence Briefing John B. Wells once again has intriguing conversations with a retired General of our great military and additionally many other fantastic guests on this latest episode.
Lara Logan & X22 Report: Watch Ukraine & China, The Patriots Are Winning The 5th Generation War
The cabal absolutely despises her. But that is not going to shut up the award-winning journalist.
Flip the Switch w/Jenn & Maria: EPIC Intel with Scott McKay – Patriot Streetfighter – Part 1
Scott McKay is always informative and entertaining and he once again gives us some great intel in this new episode of this great show.
Jeffrey Prather & Sasha Latypova: Whistleblower talks about DoD and Bioweapon Collusion
He has a fascinating discussion with Sasha Latypova about the Department of Defense and the role that they have played in this alleged worldwide scandal of attempted genocide of the population.
Derek Johnson, Nick Searcy, Chris Burgard & Willy Guardiola: January 10th, 2023 at a South Florida Patriot event
There was another big MAGA event that was held on January 10th that featured Derek Johnson, Willy Guardiola, Nick Searcy and also Chris Burgard.
Truth Tour 3 Kick Off Party (VIDEO)
Many popular truth seekers who were invited to join this call included Lewis Herms, Ethan Lucas, Jason Q, Kevin Hoyt, Alan Fountain and also much more.
Juan O Savin: What is Joe Hiding & a Global Breakdown
Juan and Josh discuss the recent stunning reports that show that Joe Biden allegedly brought home multiple classified documents while he was Vice President of the United States under former President Barack Obama.
What is up with the Washington D.C. Symbolism and What else is Happening in the Nation’s Capital?
We have discovered in the past few years that some conspiracy theories are actually factual. What other evil theories about the city are true?
Bo Polny, Andrew Sorchini & Pastor Dave: We are about to See the Glory, the Year of Jubilee
Are we about to see our whole economic system crash as the globalists plot is exposed?
SG Anon Audio File 35: FAA Grounding | Covert Spec_Ops Reorienting Society | WEF Cyber Pandemic | A Special Announcement
SG Anon talks about many events that he states is happening in the background in a white hat operation.
Zak Paine, 412 Adel Nero, and Frakie Val: Taking it Back from the Deep State
The three talk about many interesting controversial topics including the Speaker of the House vote, the January 6th video that is going to be released and also much more.
President Trump interview with Mark Levin 1/12/23
President Trump discusses the stunning news of how a third set of classified documents that Joe Biden allegedly took have now been found.
Steve Quayle & Jamie Walden: The United States is under Divine Judgement
Many of the events that we are seeing happen remarkably sound a lot like the warnings that were written in the bible that talked about what would happen in the end times.
Alex Stein asks Ukraine Supporter if We should help our Homeless instead of Ukraine (VIDEO)
He speaks to one liberal and embarrasses the man greatly as the man appears to believe that it is more important in helping Ukraine before we send funding to our own Americans who do not have a home.
Patel Patriot, Burning Bright & Just Human: Classified Documents & Is Special Counsel John Durham’s Investigation Over?
Patel Patriot, Just Human and also Burning Bright discuss the latest Biden scandal on this latest episode on Badlands Media.
Patriot Streetfighter: Freelance View Of 2023
He discusses what patriots need to do to fight against the evil cabal and additionally what he believes is coming at us in 2023.
Melissa Redpill: What is Under the Capitol? 1/11 Booms & House Committees
Melissa gives her analysis of some of the current events that are rocking the political world. Will the worldwide mafia finally be taken down?
Mel K & Rob Really: Planet Chaos
Mel K and Rob Really have a deep discussion on what is occurring in New York City and additionally around the whole country.
Trump makes Official Statement on the Twitter Files
He truthed about the controversial Twitter files that Elon Musk and his team at the big tech giant have been showing the public.
Matt Gaetz: Republicans will Release 14,000 Hours of January 6th Footage (VIDEO)
He states that the people will finally see what Nancy Pelosi and the January 6th committee have been hiding.
Kash Patel & Doug Billings: Government Gangsters
Host Doug Billings has a fantastic conversation with Patel on many political events currently happening in America.
X22 Report: Ep. 2969b – Trap Has Been Set, Biden In The Spotlight, Think Mirror, Year Of The Boomerang
Dave from X22 Report discusses the latest details in the battle against the cabal.
JeffMara Podcast: Scientist has Near Death Experience & says that we are in a Simulation
She talks about many interesting details about the event in this intriguing conversation.
His Glory: Lt. General Thomas McInerney & Maj. General Paul E. Vallely – A Nation in Chaos
Pastor Dave from His Glory has a fascinating conversation with two of America's most respected retired Generals.
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