Kash Patel testifies in court regarding January 6th & the National Guard

Kash Patel testifies in court regarding January 6th & the National Guard. Here is something else that the MSM will deliberately not show to the American people. Check out more videos such as this one on our Pal Bulletin Rumble or our new Deep State Crime Scene Rumble channels.
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Amazing Polly: Pandemic Amnesty? Not a Chance in Hell!
A "journalist" from The Atlantic wrote a controversial article in an attempt to get ahead of what is coming.
Kid Rock gives a Gift to Bill Maher: A Cardboard Cutout of Mike Lindell!
Kid Rock is a true American and his music often shows it.
Jimmy Kimmel has Satanic Snuggle Skit about Sacrificing Babies (VIDEO)
Satanists are not afraid to throw evil right in front of us. Is late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel a Satanist?
Today’s MAGA News 11/1/22
Here are a few videos and reports that you might not have seen yet on social media or your news shows.
Barack Obama Speech in Detroit is Interrupted by Anti-War Protestors (VIDEO)
Today once again another Obama speech was interrupted by hecklers.
True the Vote’s Gregg Phillips & Catherine Engelbrecht are put in Jail by Judge after Refusing to Name their Konnech Source
Yesterday Gregg and Catherine were put into jail for refusing the judge's order.
Christian Patriot News: Trump Confirms that he is Q+, “The Storm is Coming” (VIDEO)
How many coincidences until it is mathematically impossible?
Derek Johnson interview with Steve Shultz: If a President goes Against the Constitution then the Power goes to the People
Joe Biden was selected by Congress to be President of the United States. But is he truly the President of the United States according to common law, the military law and additionally the Constitution?
The View Halloween Special features a Child Dressed up as Trump from FBI Raid with Flushed Documents (VIDEO)
Do you see how their unethical propaganda machine operates?
Clif High interview with Jordan Sather: “A Big Ugly Period is Coming” (VIDEO)
Host Jordan Sather has a fascinating discussion with linguistic analyst Clif High about this concerning topic.
X22 Report: Ep. 2912b – Dismantling Of The [DS] Protection In Progress, Dog Comms, Control Returned To The People
Dave from X22 Report once again keeps MAGA informed on the latest news in the battle between the deep state and the white hats.
The Salty Cracker: Did Paul Pelosi get Attacked by a Male Prostitute?
Was the real reason why Paul Pelosi was attacked because he was trying to get a San Francisco treat?
Real Weekend Warrior: Alien (VIDEO)
There have been many alleged sightings of weird objects flying in the sky. Other people have also claimed that they have been abducted by grey aliens or reptilian type beings. What is the truth?
First AOC was Confronted at her Town Hall and now fellow Democrat Ilhan Omar is Verbally attacked at her Public Forum
Now another member of "the Squad" got confronted by angry liberals.
Red Wave November: Maria Zack & James Grundvig
Maria and James talk about what is currently happening in various states regarding the upcoming midterm elections that happen on November 8th.
Deep State Judge Threatens to Throw True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht & Gregg Phillips in Jail on Monday in Konnech Lawsuit
Instead of going after a company that could very well be guilty of treason against the United States, a federal judge went after two patriots who exposed the alleged crimes done by elections software company Konnech.
Benjamin Fulford: The Geo-Political Intelligence Update (VIDEO)
He examines various issues that are influencing the extraordinary fight between the white hats and the evil cabal.
Ted Cruz describes how Inflation has Affected Antifa, Eric Swalwell & Hunter Biden
He discusses the high inflation that is a big problem in our great nation right now.
Kash Patel: The Durham Investigation proves that James Comey & the FBI Lied to the American Public about Russiagate
Kash Patel unfortunately could not be in attendance at the Reawaken America Tour event in Pennsylvania but he did talk from his computer screen to thousands of patriots.
Marco Polo Founder Garrett Ziegler talks about Crimes that were Found on Hunter Biden Laptop
Nationalfile.com has a fascinating conversation about many disturbing crimes that Garrett Ziegler and his organization Marco Polo found on their hard drive copy from the Hunter Biden laptop.
Jeffrey Prather & Mike Adams: Latest Intel on Ukraine and Dirty Bombs
Health Ranger Report host Mike Adams has a great conversation with military intelligence analyst Jeffrey Prather on this latest episode.
Lara Logan talks about Adrenochrome and her Recent Ban on Newsmax
Logan also asks the question in this interview of where are all of the children that go missing every year?
Dinesh D’Souza interviews President Trump in 2000 Mules Special
President Donald Trump is interviewed and the two have a great conversation about election fraud.
Dustin Nemos & L.A. Marzulli: Alien Deception and Nephilim Giants
Dustin Nemos and L.A. Marzulli try putting the puzzle pieces together regarding these subjects and why the Deep State tries to hide the truth.
Dr. Sheri Tenpenny at ReAwaken America Tour in Pennsylvania: The Connection of the Vaccine with the Great Reset Agenda
She discusses many topics related to health in her latest speech in Pennsylvania at the ReAwaken America Tour event.
More Evidence of China Rigging our Elections after the Arrest of Konnech Inc. CEO Eugene Yu
Those so-called "news" outlets tried to display Konnech Inc. as a victim to the "conspiracy theorists" and election deniers. The next day all of those networks were forced to write articles that told the arrest of Eugene Yu.
Derek Johnson: Proof that the Joe Biden Presidency is Fake (VIDEO)
Do we have a dual-presidency happening right now? Derek Johnson take a deep look into who is really the President of the United States currently.
Nicholas Veniamin & former CIA Michael Jaco: What happens to Donald Trump after the Midterm Election?
The Deep State has obviously gone full-force against former President Donald Trump. What will happen next for Trump?
Juan O Savin & David Nino Rodriguez: “American Troops Touch Down In Ukraine”
David Nino Rodriguez and Juan discuss what is currently happening in regards with the United States military and Ukraine.
Did Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage Predict the Destruction of the Twin Towers at a WWF Event in 1989? (VIDEO)
The Deep State enjoys telling us what they are going to do in the future. Is this old WWF fight another example of this or just a coincidental "conspiracy"?
Julie Green: The Rise of my United States
Yet again Julie Green tells us her prophetic message that she is being told to hand-off to every one of us.
X22 Report: Ep. 2907b – [Scare] Necessary Event, Trump: “Who Is Going To Enter The Trump Quicksand?”
Dave from X22 Report once again tells MAGA the latest details on the intense battle between the deep state and the white hats.
Reawaken America Tour from Manheim, Pennsylvania – Day Two
The conference in Pennsylvania once again had many fantastic and energetic speakers.
Reawaken America Tour from Manheim, Pennsylvania – Day One
Thousands of dedicated MAGA patriots united together to loudly voice their opinions and to hear great conservative speakers.
OAN interview with Marco Polo Founder Garrett Ziegler: Report on the Hunter Biden Laptop
This Hunter Biden report that has been put together by Ziegler and also his team appears to be a bombshell.
Singer Katy Perry appears to be Glitching at a Recent Concert?! What the heck is going on?
Check out this video footage from a recent concert with music star Katy Perry. Her left eye appears to be glitching.
Amazing! Texas Crowd interrupts Trump in middle of a MAGA Rally & Sings the Whole National Anthem! (VIDEO)
Is it normal domestic terrorist behavior to start singing a beautiful song about their great country in a middle of a patriotic rally?
Full Trump Speech from Robstown, Texas 10/22/22 (VIDEO)
The energized MAGA crowd heard the president discuss the numerous issues that have happened while Democrat Joe Biden has turned into the “leader” of our great nation.
Dr. Carrie Madej: The Liberals have a Satanic Agenda
Pastor David Scarlett from His Glory has a great conversation with a medical whistleblower on this latest episode.
Lara Logan Banned on Newsmax after telling the Truth about the Cabal
Logan has been reportedly banned on the Newsmax television network after she discussed this cabal plan in a recent interview.
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