Wow! Check out this Nut-job Democrat going crazy on a Republican in Virginia

Wow! Check out this Nut-job Democrat going crazy on a Republican in Virginia. Conservatives need to be careful with terrorists such as this liberal. Check out more videos such as this one on our Pal Bulletin Rumble or our new Deep State Crime Scene Rumble channels.
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Palbulletin Archives
Greg Gutfeld: Vote for Hunter Biden for President in 2024 (VIDEO)
Well perhaps we have the wrong Biden in office.
Journalist Benjamin Fulford: Huge Intelligence Update (VIDEO)
Many people have been praying that there really is an international white hat alliance that is working behind the scenes.
Kari Lake interview with Mel K: Arizona Governor Candidate fighting for the Patriots (VIDEO)
The war in our nation between the evil Deep State against the white hats continues.
Sidney Powell interview with America Can We Talk: The Stolen 2020 Election, January 6th & More! (VIDEO)
Host of America Can We Talk Debbie Georgatos has an interesting conversation with attorney Sidney Powell.
Dr. Judy Mikovits at Reawaken America Tour from Virginia Beach, Virginia (VIDEO)
Once again thousands of MAGA patriots got together to voice their opinions and also to listen to conservative speakers.
MG Show interview with True the Vote’s Gregg Phillips (VIDEO)
The MG Show has an interesting conversation with True the Vote’s representative Gregg Phillips.
Julie Green at Reawaken America Tour from Virginia Beach, Virginia (VIDEO)
Once again thousands of MAGA patriots got together to voice their opinions and also to listen to conservative speakers.
Stew Peters talks about his Shocking New Documentary that Exposes Child Trafficking Done Through Child Protective Services & Foster Care
Many people have questioned about how many children mysteriously disappear each year.
X22 Report: Decisions Need To Be Made, Change Is Coming, What Happens When The Public Learns The Truth?
Dave from X22 Report once again tells the MAGA community the latest developments on the war against the cabal in this latest MAGA podcast.
Chaos in Europe: Italian PM Mario Draghi resigns & Dutch Farmers continue to Protest (VIDEO)
Do we need any further proof that the main stream media are the billionaire bullhorn to propagandize how they want the public to think?
Dave Scarlett & Amanda Grace at Reawaken America Tour from Virginia Beach, Virginia (VIDEO)
Once again thousands of MAGA patriots got together to voice their opinions and also to hear conservative speakers.
Bo Polny at Reawaken America Tour from Virginia Beach, Virginia (VIDEO)
Once again thousands of MAGA patriots got together to voice their opinions and also to listen to conservative speakers.
Juan O Savin, Charlie Ward & Mark Z in Nashville: MAGA has learned a lot the Past Two Years (VIDEO)
Right now America needs all of the patriots to wake up and also not to be afraid.
Kash Patel interview with Devin Nunes Podcast: Q & A Session (VIDEO)
The two take some great questions about Truth Social and additionally some political news stories that are affecting the MAGA movement.
Jack Maxey interview with Stew Peters: Sheriffs are the Key into getting a Hunter Biden Indictment (VIDEO)
Stew Peters asks a series of important questions to Jack Maxey regarding the now famous Hunter Biden laptop from hell.
Tucker Carlson: What’s up with Hunter Biden’s bizarre Nickname for his dad Joe Biden? (VIDEO)
The whole Biden family is not only corrupt but they are additionally highly creepy.
Dr. Stella Immanuel at Reawaken America Tour from Virginia Beach, Virginia (VIDEO)
Once again thousands of MAGA patriots got together to voice their opinions and also to hear conservative speakers.
Anna Khait at Reawaken America Tour from Virginia Beach, Virginia (VIDEO)
Once again thousands of MAGA patriots got together to voice their opinions and also to hear conservative speakers.
Are there a Hybridization & Secret Space Program? An Interview with Marina Seren (VIDEO)
Many people are curious about UFOs and also aliens. Some individuals have even claimed to have been abducted by grey aliens or reptilians. Disgraced Ex-CNN Personality Chris Cuomo is Currently Cosplaying as a “Free Agent” Journalist On the Ground in Ukraine
Chris Cuomo has returned after a 7-month hiatus and is currently on the ground in Ukraine cosplaying as a “free agent” reporter for his social media followers.
Latest Russian President Vladimir Putin Speech: The New World Order is Doomed to Fail (VIDEO)
Americans and additional citizens around the world of course deserve to hear what other world leaders are saying.
X22 Report: Ep. 2822b – Scavino Sends Message, We Serve At The Pleasure Of The President, DJT, COGCON
Dave from X22 Report once again tells the MAGA community the latest developments on the war against the cabal in this latest MAGA podcast.
Journalist Ben Fulford interview with Mel K: Geopolitical News Update (VIDEO)
The war in the United States between the evil Deep State against the white hats continues.
Jack Maxey interview with Two Mikes: Update on Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal (VIDEO)
The Hunter Biden laptop from Hell story was censored by big tech and additionally the media when the New York Post article first came out in the Fall of 2020.
Robert F Kennedy Jr interview with Catherine Austin: The Power of a Corrupt Big Pharma (VIDEO)
Catherine Austin has a terrific conversation with the popular Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the Doctors for Covid Ethics.
The Intelligence Briefing: John B Wells interviews General Thomas McInerney, General Paul E. Vallely, Lt. Col. Anthony A Shaffer & More! (VIDEO)
Host John B. Wells once again has a great show featuring many great retired military leaders and additional guests.
Hunter Biden looks for some Cocaine at a Party & Actually has Clothes On! (VIDEO)
Hunter Biden's iphone was hacked this time and there is once again some stunning, embarrassing and additionally hilarious video footage.
Democrat Abortion Activist Accuses Senator Hawley of Causing Violence. His Charge? He stated that Saying Only Women Can Get Pregnant? (VIDEO)
Ok it's time to be realistic. What we are really dealing with are a gang of satanic nut-jobs.
On the Fringe: Threats by Deep State will be Squashed by Patriots (VIDEO)
On The Fringe does a terrific job of keeping the MAGA community informed with all of the latest and big news stories occurring around the globe.
Netherlands Supermarket funded by Bill Gates Burns to the Ground. Did angry Farmers do this? (VIDEO)
Things are certainly getting interesting around the globe.
Hunter Biden is full of surprises and they are almost always negative surprises for the Democrats.
Julie Green: A Shakedown has Begun (VIDEO)
Prophet Julie Green once again describes what she is hearing from her prophecies.
Stunning January 6 Leaked Documents from a Whistleblower show that Proud Boys are Innocent (VIDEO)
This article is going viral extremely fast and for good reason.
D.U.M.B.S. on Fire in Rome? (VIDEO)
We are all trying to find the real truth and Nicholas Veniamin and also his guests talk about many political events.
Dutch Farmers Protest in the Netherlands. Why aren’t the media Reporting on this? (VIDEO)
Wait! I thought that the New World Order was just a "far-right nut-job conspiracy theory"?
MSNBC “Elites” admit that they hope Trump dies (VIDEO)
It is truly stunning that we have finally realized that the main-stream media are actually working for the Deep State.
Full Trump speech from Anchorage, Alaska 7/9/22 (VIDEO)
President Trump spoke in front of a huge and energetic crowd on a Saturday night in the city of Anchorage, Alaska.
Reawaken America Tour from Virginia Beach – Day Two (VIDEO)
Once again thousands of enthusiastic MAGA patriots united together to loudly voice their opinions and to hear from conservative speakers.
Patel Patriot: Devolved 5 (VIDEO)
Patel Patriot has became a very popular individual to follow on Telegram and in addition other social media platforms.
Thousands of Sri Lanka Citizens Break into President’s Home & take their Country Back!
Which country's citizens will step up and also decide to get rid of the rats who are controlling their country?
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Also, please check us out on many of the various social media platforms. You can find us on Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Truth Social, Gab, Rumble and Bitchute. Come leave a comment! We always of course love to hear from fellow Patriots. The Great Awakening has started! Let’s all continue to voice our opinions as we fight through our way during this most bizarre period of time.