Canada Scandals
The purpose of the Deep State Crime Scene pages are to highlight what numerous politicians and also other “elitists” have said in the past. This is them doing these acts. It is undisputable evidence. Deep State Crime Scene was designed as if these videos and articles were to be presented in a court of law. Please show this information to your liberal friends or additionally others who are clueless to what is truly happening.
Justin Trudeau snaps during his Pro-Ukraine Speech as Protestors Scream
Canadian Dairy Farmer explains why he HAS TO dump excess milk because of Trudeau’s Policies – February, 2023
Canadian Truck Driver screams at Fake News Reporter in Ottawa – February, 2022
Ottawa City Council member is Angry about the Legal Protest of the Canadian Truckers
Justin Trudeau: We did not Force anyone to get Vaccinated
February 18th – The Day that Changed Canada’s History – February, 2022
Man steals 13 Year-old Girl’s Canadian Flag & he then ends up Crying like a little girl – 2022
Calgary Citizens support the Canadian Truckers Convoy – February, 2022
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