Clown World

The purpose of the Deep State Crime Scene pages are to highlight what numerous politicians and also other “elitists” have said in the past. This is them doing these acts. It is undisputable evidence. Deep State Crime Scene was designed as if these videos and articles were to be presented in a court of law. Please show this information to your liberal friends or additionally others who are clueless to what is truly happening.

Crazy Liberal compares deciding a Baby’s gender to the inside of Donuts – August, 2023

Assistant Secretary for Health Adm. Rachel Levine declares it is the Summer of Pride – June, 2023

Four children Rescued in Boston. Drugs, sex toys & black “trans” man corpse was also found – June, 2023

Old man confronts Transgender “woman” & says how Ridiculous it is

Nutjob Liberal verbally attacks Trump supporter on Plane. It does not end well for her!

Vaccine Genocide Christmas

Africans & Afghans battle it out in a park in Italy In front of horrified families – June, 2023

Australian Cop viciously beats up Driver as Firefighters and others just Watch – June, 2023

Angry Grandma stops Thief

They aren’t hiding it anymore. Check out this Sick Painting on a building in Sidney, Australia

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