Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts
Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.
X22 Report: [DS]/Fake News Panics Over J6 Video Release, 16 Year Plan Boomerang
The [DS] is now panicking over the J6 video tapes, they do not want them released, they know if the people learn the truth it is game over.
Derek Johnson & Dr. Meri Crouley: What Matters right now is God and the Military
Dr. Meri Crouley has a fantastic conversation with the controversial but honest patriot about many of the horrible events that we have all been seeing happening around us.
Benny Johnson shocks some East Palestine Citizens by giving them $1,000 each to Help
Popular MAGA podcaster Benny Johnson recently visited the city and gave money to help with their situation.
Donald Trump Jr interviews Kari Lake
Donald Trump Jr. has a great conversation with the true Governor of Arizona. Kari Lake continues her hard battle to gain her rightful seat as the leader of Arizona.
President Trump Speech at CLUB 45 & his Q and A Session with the MAGA Crowd! (VIDEO)
He once again was at the top of his game as he went off script many times during this speech.
And We Know: Panic in HOLLYWEIRD, Epstein saga, Obama, Ukraine, Pipelines, DeRAIL, SMART cities, PRAY!
Some of the hot topics discussed are Jeffrey Epstein, the Nord Stream pipeline, smart cities, Ukraine and additionally much more.
Juan O Savin on Accountability Show: The Righteous are being Tested
Lisa Michaels from AccountabilityShow has a fantastic conversation with Juan O Savin about the disasters that have been occurring around the globe.
Globalists are again trying to End the United States Sovereignty by using the W.H.O.
Globalists are once again trying to use the World Health Organization and future pandemics in order to accomplish their immoral, illegal and destructive goal. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.
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