Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.

Donald Trump Jr & Marjorie Taylor Greene: The Washington D.C. Swamp (VIDEO). Two popular MAGA patriots have a great discussion.

Donald Trump Jr & Marjorie Taylor Greene: The Washington D.C. Swamp (VIDEO)

Marjorie Taylor Greene talks with Donald Trump Jr. on his Rumble channel about many of the incidents that she has been involved in or things that she has seen.

On The Fringe: Deep State Continues to Fail as Major Players step down. The geopolitical news has of course been getting crazy.

On The Fringe: Deep State Continues to Fail as Major Players step down

The deep state are frantically trying to cause chaos and have likewise been purposely attempting to destroy peoples’ lives for an extremely long time.

Juan O Savin, Josh Reid, Corinne Cliford & James Grundvig: Wargasm in Washington. Things are obviously heating up around the planet.

Juan O Savin, Josh Reid, Corinne Cliford & James Grundvig: Wargasm in Washington

China balloons floating across America, numerous train derailments and the Joe Biden classified documents scandal have all frightened American citizens over the past couple of weeks.

Patriot Streetfighter & John Michael Chambers: The American Coup started in 1913. It is extremely important to know our history.

Patriot Streetfighter & John Michael Chambers: The American Coup started in 1913

American Media Periscope founder John Michael Chambers and Scott McKay have an important discussion on that year and also the Federal Reserve.

E. Palestine Ohio Residents are Outraged about Chemical spill. Where's Pete Buttigieg? That is an excellent question.

E. Palestine Ohio Residents are Outraged about Chemical spill. Where’s Pete Buttigieg?

We are also wanting to know why there are many other train derailments and semi-trucks flipping over across the country as they carried dangerous chemicals.

Bo Polny & David Nino Rodriguez: "Worldwide" Blackouts, then 'SUDDEN' Celebrations!! Is it true that we are living at the end of days?

Bo Polny & David Nino Rodriguez: “Worldwide” Blackouts, then ‘SUDDEN’ Celebrations!!

David Nino Rodriguez has an interesting discussion with Bo Polny on what he thinks may be coming next.

X22 Report: Ep. 2998b - [DS] Narrative Fail, Trump Shifts Tactics, Durham On Deck, Panic Everywhere. (VIDEO)

X22 Report: Ep. 2998b – [DS] Narrative Fail, Trump Shifts Tactics, Durham On Deck, Panic Everywhere

Dave from X22 Report gives the latest developments in the battle against the globalists.

Did JFK Jr.'s GEORGE Magazine Predict the Future? There have of course been many conspiracy theories regarding John F. Kennedy Jr.

Did JFK Jr.’s GEORGE Magazine Predict the Future?

Did he know what was going to happen in the future or was he just a great predictor? is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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