Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.

Ole Dammegard & David Nino Rodriguez: World Domination Through False Flags. The Deep State are definitely experts on false flags.

Ole Dammegard & David Nino Rodriguez: World Domination Through False Flags

Ole Dammegard and Nino discuss many events that mainstream media "news" networks label as conspiracy theories.

Andrew Basiago: Timelines, Time Travel & The U.S. Government | The Revealing Episode 6. Does time travel really exist?

Andrew Basiago: Timelines, Time Travel & The U.S. Government | The Revealing Episode 6

He tells his story about how he got involved in the project because of his father and also how he experienced different timelines and dimensions.

Juan O Savin: Trump was invited to Run. Who Invited Him? That of course is a very good question. Trump has made the statement in the past.

Juan O Savin: Trump was invited to Run. Who Invited Him?

Patriot and also Trump loyalist Juan O Savin has a great conversation with XRPQFS Team about this topic and also much more in this new interview.

Derek Johnson: The Military is in Complete Control. We are discovering how many uneducated people there are in this country.

Derek Johnson: The Military is in Complete Control

Veteran and also country singer Derek Johnson goes off again as he talks about how many people can't answer a simple question of "what are the three branches of government?".

Ghislaine Maxwell interview from Prison (VIDEO). She became famous in a way that no normal person would ever want to be known for.

Ghislaine Maxwell interview from Prison (VIDEO)

Did Talk TV try to make her appear as being a victim as the deep state usually does as they have one of their state television networks do whenever one of their puppets get arrested and charged with a crime?

Clif High: Tiny AI. We are living in some very dangerous times as the power of our artificial intelligence systems have grown substantially.

Clif High: Tiny AI

When evil people have control over large artificial intelligence systems then it more than likely will lead to some very frightening times when the network goes haywire.

SG Anon is finally Revealed & Shows his face in Patriot Streetfighter interview. There have been many rumors of who he is.

SG Anon is finally Revealed & Shows his face in Patriot Streetfighter interview

Well all of the questions have finally been answered as SG Anon appears on the Patriot Streetfighter show with MAGA podcaster Scott McKay.

Trump attends Diamond's Funeral. Silk asks "Why are People falling Dead Suddenly?". Silk once again asks a great question.

Trump attends Diamond’s Funeral. Silk asks “Why are People falling Dead Suddenly?”

She inquired about the "conspiracy theory" of people dying suddenly as President Trump sat right next to her as she spoke. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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