Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts
Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.
Fake News Networks are Freaking out that Trump hosted a Pizzagate “Conspiracy Theorist” for an Event to help Stop Child Trafficking (VIDEO)
Why are the main-stream media so concerned that President Trump hosted an event to help stop child trafficking?
Jon Herold (Patel Patriot) interview with X22 Report: This was Strategically Planned from the Beginning
Popular patriot Jon Herold is the author of the Devolution series. Jon starts the discussion with X22 Report talking about the election interference allegations and how it connects with devolution.
Viral Project Veritas Video: Chicago Dean of Students brags about Students being Taught about “Queer Sex” by LGBTQ Health Center
Today Project Veritas released another disgusting video of an employee in our school system that thinks it is ok to teach minors some very disturbing ideas.
SGT Report & David Perkins: Ye, Hitler & Rothschild
The two talk about many current and also past political events that have rocked the world.
Bo Polny & Daily Truth Report: A Cry for Revival
Are things about to turn around for the citizens of the world? There are definitely indicators that is happening.
Kash Patel: Twitter Files, FTX Scandal & More!
Kash talks about what he thinks of the recently released Twitter files.
Unpopular Viewpoint: What is Happening in Brazil? (VIDEO)
Unpopular Viewpoint does an excellent analysis of what is truly happening right now in the South American country.
Trump makes Surprise Appearance at Fundraiser to Combat Trafficking
President Trump unexpectedly speaks from his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. He spoke at an America’s Future fundraiser to combat trafficking. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.
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