Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai: We discovered the Government and Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure. We are all seeing the corruption right now.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai: We discovered the Government and Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure

He has been part of a lawsuit which alleged that big tech and government colluded to censor United States citizens.

Reawaken America Tour from Branson, Missouri – Day One. Here is the ReAwaken America Tour event from Branson, Missouri from day one.

Reawaken America Tour from Branson, Missouri – Day One

These events are extremely important for President Donald Trump and additionally all of his great, loyal MAGA followers.

Full Trump MAGA Speech in Latrobe, Pennsylvania 11/5/22. President Donald J. Trump talks about his great work to propel the MAGA plan.

Full Trump MAGA Speech in Latrobe, Pennsylvania 11/5/22

Trump discusses his Endorsement of America First candidates including Doug Mastriano for Governor and Dr. Mehmet Oz for United States Senate.

Clif High: Shadowland Part 1. We have now entered the Big Ugly. Popular podcaster Clif High has another great discussion in this new video.

Clif High: Shadowland Part 1

He talks about the various ways that the globalists and also the world's citizens are going to react due to these events that the Deep State have caused around the planet.

Beto O’Rourke watches as a Journalist is Violently Attacked at his Rally after the Reporter asked him a Question on Transitioning Children.

Beto O’Rourke watches as a Journalist is Violently Attacked at his Rally after the Reporter asked him a Question on Transitioning Children (VIDEO)

Independent journalist Tayler Hansen went to a speaking event facilitated by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke where the columnist was attacked by numerous Beto supporters.

Died Suddenly Video: Until Proven Otherwise. This important issue can no longer be ignored and must be investigated immediately.

Died Suddenly Video: Until Proven Otherwise

This video titled Until Proven Otherwise has gone viral and shows many cases of the sudden death syndrome.

Gene Decode interview with Nicholas Veniamin: Elon Musk & Twitter, Russia & Ukraine, the Financial System and More!

Gene Decode interview with Nicholas Veniamin: Elon Musk & Twitter, Russia & Ukraine, the Financial System and More!

Nicholas and Gene Decode discuss these topics and additionally much more. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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