Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts
Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.
Patriot Roundtable: David Nino Rodriguez, Michael Jaco, Alpha Warrior Luna & Ron Partain
Which Deep State false flag is next? Four patriots discuss this question on this great roundtable.
AOC vs Elon Musk Twitter War heats up as AOC makes a Video with another Accusation
The two "celebrities" have been going back and forth on twitter and now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made a video making a new strange accusation.
Will a False Flag Event Stop the 2022 Midterm Elections?
We however do know the game that the psychopathic cabal plays.
Tucker Carlson talks about Biden Speech: The Guy who Showered with his Teen Daughter says that you’re a Bad Person
Fox News' Tucker Carlson discusses the bizarre, controversial and also potentially illegal rhetoric that the alleged leader of the United States made.
X22 Report: Ep. 2915b – Trump Sends Message: Looking Forward To Beginning The Battle, Rig For Red
Dave from X22 Report once again does a great job keeping MAGA up to date on the latest developments in the battle between the white hats and the evil Deep State.
Disney History, Symbolism & their Evil Empire (VIDEO)
This video shows much shocking evidence against the huge corporation.
Juan O Savin interview with Spaceshot76: Paul Pelosi, The Atlantic Pandemic Amnesty article, Gregg Phillips & Catherine Engelbrecht Arrest and More!
Juan O Savin and Spaceshot76 have a deep discussion on a number of current political news that is affecting the MAGA movement.
The Brazil Election is NOT Over as Protests break out Across the Country
Protests are erupting across the nation and Bolsonaro loyalists want to challenge the election results. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.
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