Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.

Derek Johnson interview with Steve Shultz: If a President goes Against the Constitution then the Power goes to the People.

Derek Johnson interview with Steve Shultz: If a President goes Against the Constitution then the Power goes to the People

Joe Biden was selected by Congress to be President of the United States. But is he truly the President of the United States according to common law, the military law and additionally the Constitution?

Clif High interview with Jordan Sather: "A Big Ugly Period is Coming". We all see that a dangerous storm is now above our heads.

Clif High interview with Jordan Sather: “A Big Ugly Period is Coming” (VIDEO)

Host Jordan Sather has a fascinating discussion with linguistic analyst Clif High about this concerning topic.

X22 Report: Ep. 2912b - Dismantling Of The [DS] Protection In Progress, Dog Comms, Control Returned To The People

X22 Report: Ep. 2912b – Dismantling Of The [DS] Protection In Progress, Dog Comms, Control Returned To The People

Dave from X22 Report once again keeps MAGA informed on the latest news in the battle between the deep state and the white hats.

The Salty Cracker: Did Paul Pelosi get Attacked by a Male Prostitute? The media are saying it was a Trump supporter who attacked. But was it?

The Salty Cracker: Did Paul Pelosi get Attacked by a Male Prostitute?

Was the real reason why Paul Pelosi was attacked because he was trying to get a San Francisco treat?

Real Weekend Warrior: Alien (VIDEO). In this newest episode, Real Weekend Warrior takes a look at the topic of aliens.

Real Weekend Warrior: Alien (VIDEO)

There have been many alleged sightings of weird objects flying in the sky. Other people have also claimed that they have been abducted by grey aliens or reptilian type beings. What is the truth?

Red Wave November: Maria Zack & James Grundvig. Nations in Action has been very active in exposing election fraud & the shadow government.

Red Wave November: Maria Zack & James Grundvig

Maria and James talk about what is currently happening in various states regarding the upcoming midterm elections that happen on November 8th. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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