Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.

Devin Nunes: Danchenko Revelation is Strongest Evidence that FBI & DOJ Obstructed the Congress Russia Investigation.

Devin Nunes: Danchenko Revelation is Strongest Evidence that FBI & DOJ Obstructed the Congress Russia Investigation

Devin Nunes told Just the News' John Solomon that the latest stunning revelation that has come out is that Igor Danchenko was a confidential human source.

Lara Logan interview with Mel K: Exposing the Elitist Agenda. Two patriot women get together and discuss the mess caused by the globalists.

Lara Logan interview with Mel K: Exposing the Elitist Agenda

Mel K has a great conversation with a brave journalist who continues to spit fireballs of truth.

X22 Report: Ep. 2875b - [DS] Assets Deployed, Panic, Fear, When Do You Play The Trump Card? Message Received

X22 Report: Ep. 2875b – [DS] Assets Deployed, Panic, Fear, When Do You Play The Trump Card? Message Received

Dave from X22 Report gets MAGA caught up on the headlines that show many of the crimes that the deep state is being caught doing.

Clif High: Be Uprising. The great awakening has been happening around the world and we are now seeing arrests around the globe.

Clif High: Be Uprising (VIDEO)

He talks about the great uprising that will happen because of the anger caused by the elitists.

David Icke talks about the Great Reset. The central bankers and also all of the other "elitist" globalists are trying to destroy humanity.

David Icke talks about the Great Reset

The New World Order is the final goal and right now they are trying to complete their goal very rapidly.

Dan Bongino: They are Coming for Your Guns. Conservatives have been warning that the government is trying to take our guns away.

Dan Bongino: They are Coming for Your Guns

Host Dan Bongino discusses the ways of how the Joe Biden Administration and also the Democrats are attempting to take away our firearms.

Julie Green & Bo Polny: The Kings of the Earth are about to Weep and Wail. Two popular patriots get together and have a great conversation.

Julie Green & Bo Polny: The Kings of the Earth are about to Weep and Wail

Bo Polny and Julie Green discuss the bible prophecies that are currently coming alive.

Steve Bannon interviewed Jeffrey Epstein for 15 Hours. Where is the Video?! This is an interesting story in regards to what's happening now.

Steve Bannon interviewed Jeffrey Epstein for 15 Hours. Where is the Video?!

Before his arrest in 2019, Epstein had a 15 hour interview with Trump loyalist Steven Bannon. This had to have been a remarkable conversation. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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