Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts
Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.
Dr. Carrie Madej: Patriots are Going to Defeat the World Economic Forum’s Agenda
Carrie has put the pieces of the puzzle together and has been discussing with the public about the globalists' sick and also twisted agenda.
Nicholas Veniamin & Michael Jaco: The Violent Part of the Storm (VIDEO)
Nicholas and Michael Jaco have an interesting conversation on some current political news including the scare events that the cabal use to continue to keep the public in constant fear.
The Intelligence Briefing: John B Wells interviews Dr. Li-Meng Yan, Sheriff Richard Mack, Sheriff Bob Songer & More!
Host John B. Wells has another phenomenal show including conversations with two great sheriffs.
David Nino Rodriguez & Bo Polny: The Kill Shot
Bo Polny talks about God’s plan and additionally tells us what we can possibly expect to happen in the future based on text from the bible.
Border Reporter Ben Bergquam: Border Patrol says that it Estimates that 1 of 3 Children that cross the Border do not Belong to the Accompanying Adult
Why hasn’t the main-stream media reported on this?
Former Military Man Claims he has Proof that Legally Trump is still President (VIDEO)
This veteran tells many facts regarding the constitution, law, declaration of independence and the military law that backs up his claim.
X22 Report: Ep. 2860b – Plants Need Water, Think Espionage Act, The Message Must Be Direct
Dave from X22 Report tells the MAGA community the latest advancements on the fight against the corrupt government in this most recent MAGA video.
Candace Owens: Money Laundering Operation. She Speaks Truth! (VIDEO)
Shaming her will not work so Candace continues to stay on the list of the Democrats’ most hated list. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.
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