Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.

Mike Lindell Presents: The Movie "Selection Code". Selection Code follows the narrative of Tina Peters the County Clerk in Mesa Colorado.

Mike Lindell Presents: The Movie “Selection Code”

When you see [S]ELECTION CODE you'll at absolutely no point in the future let a machine close to your vote.

Mike Lindell: Moment of Truth Summit Live 8/20/22. Once again patriot & also MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is fighting hard to get the truth out.

Mike Lindell: Moment of Truth Summit Live 8/20/22

He is hosting an event called the Moment of Truth Summit that shows the State of the States.

Sidney Powell talks about the FBI Raid on Donald Trump's Home. She has been involved in this fight against the deep state for years.

Sidney Powell talks about the FBI Raid on Donald Trump’s Home (VIDEO)

Sidney Powell discusses the latest deep state illegal act. - MG Show interviews Gregg Phillips: Digital Soldiers are Digging for Info after The Pit Happened. (VIDEO)

MG Show interviews Gregg Phillips: Digital Soldiers are Digging for Info after The Pit Happened

A huge presentation was shown to those who attended as speakers showed how China has our election data and additionally have been meddling in our elections for years.

Alec Baldwin Feared for his Life from Trump Supporters after He Killed Someone during the Filming of "Rust".

Alec Baldwin Feared for his Life from Trump Supporters after He Killed Someone during the Filming of “Rust”

These elitists are arrogant, selfish and additionally extremely dangerous.

Man on Island Screams at Joe Biden. All of us feel like we've been stranded on an island ever since Joe Biden became President of our nation.

Man on Island Screams at Joe Biden

This hilarious video parody does a great job of pointing out the fact of how far Joe Biden has distanced himself from Trump voters.

Event 201: The Elites ran a Pandemic Simulation Conference in October of 2019 before the Covid Pandemic happened.

Event 201: The Elites ran a Pandemic Simulation Conference in October of 2019 before the Covid Pandemic happened

Why is it always the same people who are involved in all of these worldwide scandals? A conference called Event 201 was held on October 18, 2019 in New York City.

Dr. Bryan Ardis interview with Mel K: Secret Societies & Our Country has been Infiltrated. Mel K is obviously known as a fabulous researcher.

Dr. Bryan Ardis interview with Mel K: Secret Societies & Our Country has been Infiltrated (VIDEO)

Host Mel K has a sensational interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis about gain of function, how our government has been infiltrated and also the secret societies that have existed in America for centuries. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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