Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.

FBI Made an Enemies List and Who is Durham going after Next? Host Lisa Haven from Restricted Republic gives an excellent report.

FBI Made an Enemies List and Who is Durham going after Next?

The recent FBI raid on the Donald Trump home in Mar-a-Lago was only just further proof of what these criminals are doing. - Patriot Streetfighter interview with Attorney Tom Renz: Fighting against the Deep State (VIDEO)

Patriot Streetfighter interview with Attorney Tom Renz: Fighting against the Deep State (VIDEO)

Tom Renz once again does not disappoint and continues to drop truth bombs in this awesome conversation with Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay.

Clay Clark & Eric Trump interview with Elijah Streams. Here is a very interesting conversation between Steve Schultz, Eric Trump & Clay Clark

Clay Clark & Eric Trump interview with Elijah Streams

The three of course discuss many political topics including former President Donald Trump.

Brian Stelter is Leaving CNN & his Show Reliable Sources is being Cancelled. CNN is dropping its Sunday media show Reliable Sources.

Brian Stelter is Leaving CNN & his Show Reliable Sources is being Cancelled

Stelter said in a statement to NPR that he’s grateful for the show and his team’s examination of “the media, truth and the stories that shape our world.”

X22 Report: Ep. 2852b-Patriot Offensive Destroyed The [DS],Define Subversion, Optics Confirmed, Right On Schedule

X22 Report: Ep. 2852b-Patriot Offensive Destroyed The [DS],Define Subversion, Optics Confirmed, Right On Schedule

Dave from X22 Report once again tells the MAGA community the newest developments on the battle against the deep state in this latest MAGA podcast.

The Top 65 MAGA Podcasts. The billionaire owned propaganda main-stream media “news” are of course unreliable and also constant liars.

Top 65 MAGA Podcasts

Here is an extensive list of the Top 65 MAGA Podcasts that I recommend you to take a look at who are trying desperately to get the truth out to the public.

Actress Anne Heche wasn't Dead: Video shows her Ripping open Body Bag before being put into the Ambulance (VIDEO)

Actress Anne Heche wasn’t Dead: Video shows her Ripping open Body Bag before being put into the Ambulance

Did a horrible car accident lead to the murder of a Hollywood actress? - Big Pharma Whistleblower Judy Mikovits & Andrew Serafini: the Deep State got Caught. (VIDEO)

Big Pharma Whistleblower Judy Mikovits & Andrew Serafini: the Deep State got Caught (VIDEO)

Let's Talk America host Karen Kingston discusses covid-19 and also the vaccine with Judy Mikovits and Andrew Serafini. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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