Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election. - Dutch Farmers Protest in the Netherlands. Why aren't the media Reporting on this? (VIDEO)

Dutch Farmers Protest in the Netherlands. Why aren’t the media Reporting on this? (VIDEO)

Wait! I thought that the New World Order was just a "far-right nut-job conspiracy theory"?

MSNBC "Elites" admit that they hope Trump dies. Let's face the facts. We all of course know that these people are all sick individuals.

MSNBC “Elites” admit that they hope Trump dies (VIDEO)

It is truly stunning that we have finally realized that the main-stream media are actually working for the Deep State.

Full Trump speech from Anchorage, Alaska 7/9/22. Here is the full Trump speech in Anchorage, Alaska from July 9, 2022.

Full Trump speech from Anchorage, Alaska 7/9/22 (VIDEO)

President Trump spoke in front of a huge and energetic crowd on a Saturday night in the city of Anchorage, Alaska.

Reawaken America Tour from Virginia Beach – Day Two. Here is the ReAwaken America Tour event from Virginia Beach, Virginia from day two.

Reawaken America Tour from Virginia Beach – Day Two (VIDEO)

Once again thousands of enthusiastic MAGA patriots united together to loudly voice their opinions and to hear from conservative speakers.

Patel Patriot: Devolved 5. In today's episode of Making Sense of The Madness, Patel Patriot is the special guest host.

Patel Patriot: Devolved 5 (VIDEO)

Patel Patriot has became a very popular individual to follow on Telegram and in addition other social media platforms.

Thousands of Sri Lanka Citizens Break into President's Home & take their Country Back! Well it finally happened in Sri Lanka.

Thousands of Sri Lanka Citizens Break into President’s Home & take their Country Back!

Which country's citizens will step up and also decide to get rid of the rats who are controlling their country? - President Trump's full Speech in Las Vegas at America First Policy Institute's Panel (VIDEO)

President Trump’s full Speech in Las Vegas at America First Policy Institute’s Panel (VIDEO)

Our country's crime rates have skyrocketed ever since Joe Biden was installed as the President of the United States.

OAN interview with President Trump. President Donald Trump has an excellent interview with conservative news network OAN.

OAN interview with President Trump (VIDEO)

Many different political topics are discussed in this interesting conversation. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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