Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.

Is this Conspiracy theory True? Bill Gates created a Video Game called Omicron in 1999?

Is this Conspiracy theory True? Bill Gates created a Video Game called Omicron in 1999?

Is this Conspiracy theory True? Bill Gates created a Video Game called Omicron in 1999? Its been spoken about by many people on social media.

Trump calls General Milley a "Fucking Idiot" and the Crowd responds with Laughter!

Trump calls General Milley a “Fucking Idiot” and the Crowd responds with Laughter!

Watch this video clip as President Donald Trump calls General Milley a "Fucking Idiot" and the Crowd responds with Laughter!

Is the FBI preparing to do Another False Flag? Check out this Video at the National Mall in Washington D.C.

Is the FBI preparing to do Another False Flag? Check out this Video at the National Mall in Washington D.C. - Is the FBI preparing to do Another False Flag? Check out this Video at the National Mall in Washington D.C.

And We Know: Big Court Cases and Hollywood Exposure (VIDEO)

And We Know: Big Court Cases and Hollywood Exposure (VIDEO)

And We Know: Big Court Cases and Hollywood Exposure (VIDEO). He shows a clip of a Donald Trump interview with Fox News' Mark Levin.

Insane Video Footage from a Forced Internment Camp in Australia (VIDEO)

Insane Video Footage from a Forced Internment Camp in Australia (VIDEO)

Insane Video Footage from a Forced Internment Camp in Australia (VIDEO). Australia has been hit hard by strict covid-19 vaccination mandates.

Dustin Nemos asks the Question if General Flynn is really a Freemason in Disguise?

Dustin Nemos asks the Question if General Flynn is really a Freemason in Disguise?

Dustin Nemos asks the Question if General Flynn is really a Freemason in Disguise? Is General Flynn worshipping fallen angels in a prayer?

In Loving Memory of Chris Cuomo's Career. Mark Dice takes a look back at the career of the recently fired CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.

Mark Dice: In Loving Memory of Chris Cuomo’s Career (VIDEO)

In Loving Memory of Chris Cuomo's Career. Mark Dice takes a look back at the career of the recently fired CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.

David Nino Rodriguez interviews WAYNE JETT & he claims that Trump Signed the Insurrection Act (VIDEO)

David Nino Rodriguez interviews WAYNE JETT & he claims that Trump Signed the Insurrection Act (VIDEO)

Wayne Jett is interviewed by David Nino Rodriguez on this daily MAGA news update. He claims that Donald Trump signed the Insurrection Act. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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