Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts
Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.
Roger Stone makes great video on Biden Crapping his pants while visiting the Pope (VIDEO)
Roger Stone makes great video on Biden Crapping his pants while visiting the Pope. Holy crap! Roger Stone made a video about Joe Biden's trip. Judge questions whether third Ghislaine Maxwell accuser – who she ‘groomed and befriended’ in London in 1994 – could actually be considered ‘a victim’ in the case – just days before sex trafficking trial begins
The federal judge presiding over Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking trial has questioned whether one of the British socialite's accusers could actually be considered a 'victim' in the case.
Truth tellers David Nino Rodriguez and Mel K discuss the Chaos happening Worldwide (VIDEO)
Former boxer David Nino Rodriguez and New Yorker Mel K discuss all of the chaos that is currently happening across the planet.
Antifa members crawl out of Mom’s Basement to disrupt and cause chaos at a Peaceful Anti-Vaccine Protest at UCLA (VIDEO) - Antifa members crawl out of Mom's Basement to disrupt and cause chaos at a Peaceful Anti-Vaccine Protest at UCLA (VIDEO).
Donald Trump gives a long speech at the America First Experience & Gala Mar-A-Lago Event (VIDEO)
President Donald Trump gave a long speech recently in Mar-A-Lago, Florida at the America First Experience & Gala event.
Thegatewaypundit: WATCH: Riot Cops Forced To Break Up Massive Fights After Antifa Terrorists Storm Protest Against Mandates in Boston (VIDEO)
On Sunday afternoon, a large group of Antifa goons targeted a Covid-19 mask and vaccine mandate protest that was held in Boston.
Mel K interviews Professor David Clements and discuss the Election Fraud and Government Tyranny (VIDEO)
Mel K interviews former law professor David Clements. Professor David Clements has become highly involved in the patriot truth movement.
President Trump makes an excited Boy’s day at a Braves Baseball game (VIDEO) - Watch this video as President Trump makes an excited boy extremely happy during an Atlanta Braves baseball game. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.
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