Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts
Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.
UFO or Advanced Technology spotted over Mar-A-Lago (VIDEO)
UFO or Advanced Technology spotted over Mar-A-Lago. Is the real president being protected by Space Force or some other entity?
Businessman Dan Pena tells the logical truth about the Fraud of Global Warming (VIDEO)
Businessman Dan Pena tells the logical truth about the Fraud of Global Warming. Trump supporter Dan Pena uses logical reasoning.
These people are nuts! Watch this Karen go bonkers against an Unvaccinated Passenger on an Airplane (VIDEO)
These people are nuts! Watch this Karen go bonkers against an Unvaccinated Passenger on an Airplane. These people are unreal. Report: Gretchen Whitmer Admin Burns Notes, Destroys Emails of Coronavirus Probe
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration has reportedly burned notes and destroyed emails from a coronavirus probe.
Florida crowd erupts in “Let’s Go Brandon” chant after Governor Desantis announces he wants to open an Election Investigation Office (VIDEO)
Florida crowd erupts in "Let's Go Brandon" chant after Governor Desantis announces he wants to open an Election Investigation Office.
Thrivetime Show interviews Dr. Zelenko & General Flynn and discuss Covid-19 and The Great Reset (VIDEO) - Thrivetime Show interviews Dr. Zelenko & General Flynn and discuss Covid-19 and The Great Reset.
News Channel from India exposes how big pharma company Pfizer Bullies & Blackmails countries for Shots
A news channel from India broadcast an important story. It said that big pharma company Pfizer bullies and blackmails countries for shots.
Facebook shutting down their Facial Recognition System & Microsoft announces its making its own Metaverse - Facebook is shutting down their Facial Recognition System & Microsoft announces its making its own Metaverse. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.
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