Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts
Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.
Stew Peters interviews Sidney Powell and she says that the Military can Determine Election Outcomes! (VIDEO)
Sidney Powell is interviewed by Stew Peters in this intriguing video. She makes a bunch of claims against our Government & the Deep State.
Doug Billings interviews Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay (VIDEO) 9/28/21 - Conservative podcaster Doug Billings from The Right Side interviews Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay.
Thegatewaypundit: Germany’s Democracy in Danger: Antifa Attacks AfD Candidate Petr Bystron’s Home, Interferes in Election (VIDEO) - Thegatewaypundit: Germany’s Democracy in Danger: Antifa Attacks AfD Candidate Petr Bystron’s Home, Interferes in Election
Josh Hawley tells General Milley right to his face that He needs to Resign (VIDEO)
Missouri Senator Josh Hawley tells General Mark Milley right to his face that he should resign. He said that Lloyd Austin should do the same.
Thegatewaypundit: HUGE DEVELOPMENT! They Got Caught! 24 Criminal Operatives Caught on Video Stuffing Dropbox with 19,000 Ballots in 3 Days (VIDEO)
In Georgia, 19,000 ballots were counted from a Zuckerberg dropbox over one weekend. Surveillance shows only 24 people dropping off ballots.
SGT Report: (VIDEO) SATAN IS “GOOD”, THE VAX IS “HEALTHY”, AND THIS IMAGE IS “REAL”. - Here is the latest video by SGT Report and as usual he asks his guests some great questions in this podcast.
Arizona Senator Kelly Townsend files a 1487 complaint to the AG office asking for an Investigation regarding the Audit Report
Kelly Townsend has filed a 1487 complaint to the Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich asking for a formal investigation for answers.
Election expert Seth Keshel claims that a North Carolina Democrat is about to step forward about Election Fraud
Election expert Seth Keshel posted this statement on his Telegram channel regarding an NC Democrat stepping forward about election fraud. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.
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