Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts
Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.
Is Lin Wood Crazy? The answer is no. Here is why.
Is Lin Wood Crazy? The answer is no. Here is why. The left use their communist tools to the max. They try to destroy any opponent who is a threat to defeating their narrative. Patriots such as Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, and Patrick Byrne have witnessed this first hand. The Georgia lawyer Lin Wood fits […]
WHAT THEY *REALLY* HAD PLANNED FOR US WAS HELL ON EARTH — OLE DAMMEGARD Renowned researcher Ole Dammegard returns to SGT Report with some shocking evidence he uncovered which strongly suggests that elites in the EU and NATO had dozens of false flag terror operations planned to coincide with the release of the Covid plandemic. […]
X22 Report: Ep. 2423b – [DS] Prepares Cyber Attacks, Red2, Central Communication Blackout Comes Into Focus
X22 Report: Ep. 2423b – [DS] Prepares Cyber Attacks, Red2, Central Communication Blackout Comes Into Focus X22 Report: Ep. 2423b – [DS] Prepares Cyber Attacks, Red2, Central Communication Blackout Comes Into Focus. The [DS]/MSM are doing exactly what the patriots want them to do. Everything is coming together, to be blunt game over. Trump put […]
CPAC 2021: Natalie Winters on How Journalists & Politicians Are Willing to Sell Out America to China (VIDEO)
CPAC 2021: Natalie Winters on How Journalists & Politicians Are Willing to Sell Out America to China (VIDEO) Here is a great Youtube video that was posted today on Telegram by patriot Patrick Byrne.
Thegatewaypundit: Democrats Push Bill that Forces All States to Count Ballots Received 10 Days After an Election
Way back before the China Coronavirus pandemic — Democrats were pushing mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and other schemes to steal their way into office.
SGT Report: SITH LORDS AND DEMONS – Frank from Quite Frankly returns to SGT Report to shine the light on Sith Lords and demons like Klaus Schwab whose empires will crumble like sand castles as…
SGT Report: SITH LORDS AND DEMONS - Frank from Quite Frankly returns to SGT Report to shine the light on Sith Lords and demons.
1-27-21 Sidney Powell Telegram Posts
1-27-21 Sidney Powell Telegram Posts - The Home of Conservative & Pro-Trump news, forums, videos & our popular Patriots Page.