Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.

Bo Polny & Donne Clement Petruska: A Great LIGHT will come from Great DARKNESS! Donne talks about her father Kim Clement.

Bo Polny & Donne Clement Petruska: A Great LIGHT will come from Great DARKNESS!

Kim Clement has unfortunately been dead for many years now. But his prophecies that he had said publicly remain legendary.

Old man confronts Transgender "woman" & says how Ridiculous it is. The woke movement has been exposed and people aren't buying into it.

Old man confronts Transgender “woman” & says how Ridiculous it is

This elderly man certainly does not believe in the conspiracy theory that there are more than two genders.

Girl goes on Epic Rant at School Board meeting about BLM Flags & politics in schools. I don't think her parents have anything to worry about.

Girl goes on Epic Rant at School Board meeting about BLM Flags & politics in schools

Our education system has gone completely woke and the democrat activism in our schools is quite apparent to even our children.

And We Know: MSM & PROGRAMS going DARK? Politicians RUNNING, USA support growing! PRAY! Many current news reports are once again discussed.

And We Know: MSM & PROGRAMS going DARK? Politicians RUNNING, USA support growing! PRAY!

And We Know once again takes a very close look at various blockbuster news reports that MAGA urgently needs to discover more about.

Patriot Streetfighter & Kerry Cassidy: Massive Military Mobilization at Gitmo. The controlled demolition of America appears to be happening.

Patriot Streetfighter & Kerry Cassidy: Massive Military Mobilization at Gitmo

Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay and Kerry Cassidy have a fascinating conversation about many of the dangerous events that are occurring across the United States.

Benjamin Fulford & Patriot Underground: There is already Guerilla Warfare occurring within the United States.

Benjamin Fulford & Patriot Underground: There is already Guerilla Warfare occurring within the United States

Benjamin Fulford and Patriot Underground talk about the latest developments in this intense information war.

On The Fringe: Their House of Cards is falling down around them. The reports coming out have clearly been getting more troubling each day.

On The Fringe: Their House of Cards is falling down around them

The panic-stricken cabal are of course deliberately trying to cause turmoil and have in like manner been trying to make a massive effort to destroy Americans’ lives for many years now.

Juan O Savin & David Nino Rodriguez: The Race Against Time and A Fight To The Death. The deep state criminals backs are against the wall.

Juan O Savin & David Nino Rodriguez: The Race Against Time and A Fight To The Death

David Nino Rodriguez has a great discussion with Juan O Savin about the war between Russia and Ukraine & other hot political topics. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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