Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.

Liz Crokin & Mel K: Exposing Evil - Child Trafficking & the Epstein Connection. One person who has exposed the deep state is Liz Crokin.

Liz Crokin & Mel K: Exposing Evil – Child Trafficking & the Epstein Connection

The deep state have attacked her relentlessly because she has told the world the truth about what many politicians, celebrities and additionally billionaires have really been doing in the shadows.

X22 Report: Ep. 3059b - Hunter, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End, You’ll Love How This Movie Ends. The [DS] is now struggling.

X22 Report: Ep. 3059b – Hunter, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End, You’ll Love How This Movie Ends

Dave from X22 Report tells MAGA the latest developments in the war against the deep state.

Julie Green: THERE IS AN END COMING. The deep state mafia have obviously had control over this great planet for many decades.


Julie Green once again gives us the message that she is receiving and she additionally tells us to continue to keep our faith.

12-year-old's speech to School Board, was sent home with t-shirt that said there are only 2 genders. It must be hard to be a kid today.

12-year-old’s speech to School Board, was sent home with t-shirt that said there are only 2 genders

This boy bravely stuck up for what he believed was right. He stood up in front of his school board and told them his side of the story after he was pulled out of class one day.

Jim Willie & Nicholas Veniamin: Military War, the Final Countdown. We are currently witnessing the takedown of the deep state mafia.

Jim Willie & Nicholas Veniamin: Military War, the Final Countdown

Jim Willie and Nicholas Veniamin discuss the many events linked to this intense war of good vs evil in this latest interview.

And We Know: NC restores VOTER ID, STAGING for Military Coup charges, IMMORAL activity push!! PRAY! (VIDEO)

And We Know: NC restores VOTER ID, STAGING for Military Coup charges, IMMORAL activity push! PRAY!

And We Know once again takes a very close look at various big news reports that MAGA urgently needs to discover more about.

Juan O Savin, Josh Reid & James Grundvig: Sudan Biolab Bombs. The deep state is causing many acts of terrorism around the globe.

Juan O Savin, Josh Reid & James Grundvig: Sudan Biolab Bombs

The cabal are trying desperately to continue to have their crimes not to be exposed but at the same time trying to get everyone set up so they can have total complete control over humanity. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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