Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts

Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.

And We Know: We are PREPARED and AWAKE. Ukraine, Tucker, UN, pieces are failing, Dangerous path taken. Let’s Go! PRAY!

And We Know: We are PREPARED and AWAKE. Ukraine, Tucker, UN, pieces are failing, Dangerous path taken. Let’s Go! PRAY!

And We Know once again takes a very close look at many huge news reports that MAGA urgently needs to discover more about.

Armed Antifa terrorists are Arrested by Fort Worth Police after intimidating Peaceful Protestors.. (VIDEO)

Armed Antifa terrorists are Arrested by Fort Worth Police after intimidating Peaceful Protestors

The gang of worthless, scumbag idiots thought that they would harass people who were protesting peacefully against drag queen shows for children.

Steve Quayle & Maria Zeee: These People Hate Humanity. He has been attacked for years by the communists and labeled a conspiracy theorist.

Steve Quayle & Maria Zeee: These People Hate Humanity

He has been very vocal about what the globalists have been planning for years.

Insane AOC's eyes get huge & foams at the mouth as she talks about Tucker Carlson leaving Fox. Don't these people look they are all possessed

Insane AOC’s eyes get huge & foams at the mouth as she talks about Tucker Carlson leaving Fox

Democrat and also known communist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gleefully discusses the recent departure of popular conservative news host Tucker Carlson from Fox News.

Derek Johnson & Dr. Charlie Ward: 2024 will be the Final Battle! The next two years are going to of course get really nuts.

Derek Johnson & Dr. Charlie Ward: 2024 will be the Final Battle!

Dr. Charlie Ward has a very interesting and informative conversation with Derek Johnson in this latest video.

Mel K interviews Film Maker Mike Smith: Out of Shadows revisited: Eyes Wide Open. Out of Shadows was controversial. Unfortunately, it's true.

Mel K interviews Film Maker Mike Smith: Out of Shadows revisited: Eyes Wide Open

Mel K has a great discussion with film maker Mike Smith about the eye opening documentary and also what he witnessed during his stuntman career in Hollywood.

On The Fringe: The Deep State fired a bunch of People. The reports of the news from across the nation have been getting more disgraceful.

On The Fringe: The Deep State fired a bunch of People

The general public is at last finally gaining an understanding of the disturbing reality concerning how all of the deep state traitors are treating our great country.

President Trump & Tucker Carlson both eat Pizza on Tucker's last day at Fox. Message sent? Was this just a weird coincidence?

President Trump & Tucker Carlson both eat Pizza on Tucker’s last day at Fox. Message sent?

What are the chances that both former President Trump and also Tucker Carlson both ate Pizza on Tucker's final day on Fox News? is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.

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