Stupid Video & Memes of Joe Biden
Stupid Video & Memes of Joe Biden. He has only been the “President” of the United States for one year but yet there are endless video clips of him doing idiotic things. Palbulletin has accumulated hours of video of Joe Biden making stupid comments as “President” and additionally his previous years as a politician. We will post some of the clips but of course it will be impossible to post everything since it would need to be updated constantly since he does stupid things on a daily basis.
Many memes of him have also been made by very creative individuals. Those brilliant memes are additionally here. We will be adding to this wonderful collection as he does more jack-ass things during his tenure as our fearless leader. I hope you enjoy and I wonder what controversial, brain dead or corrupt statement he will make tomorrow!
The REAL Joe Biden Campaign Ad
WTH?! Why isn’t Joe Biden listed at the White House Visitor Center?
Trump kicks Biden out of his Pretend White House
My Name is…..Joe Brandon…..joe-brandon.html
Let’s Go Brandon Dad shares video of his Christmas Phone call with Biden
Meet Joe Biden
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