Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts
Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.
Millions of Brazilians have had ENOUGH. Protestors storm their National Congress building! (VIDEO)
Gunfire has been allegedly being reported as Brazil's version of America's January 6th seems to be currently happening in the South American country.
Bo Polny & David Nino Rodriguez: The Final NUCLEAR Chess Move
Nino and Bo once again have a very interesting conversation as they talk about some of the current news stories that are affecting us all.
X22 Report: Ep. 2966b – The Monster Of Corruption Will Be Exposed To The Public, Good Things Sometimes Take Time
Dave from X22 Report tells us the newest updates in the war against the cabal.
President Trump interview with Revolver News: January 6th, Ray Epps, Twitter & More!
Darren Beattie from Revolver news interviews President Donald Trump about a number of key issues that many Americans are highly concerned about.
David Nino Rodriguez & Garrett Ziegler: Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell Report and Response to Jack Maxey
Marco Polo has created an extensive report on the laptop and portions of that report are discussed in this interview with podcaster David Nino Rodriguez.
The majority of Americans believe in the constitution. However we do have some communists in our nation and they are controlling how our political system works.
Why is everyone in Washington D.C. truly freaking out about the House Speaker Voting? Devolution. The Brunson SCOTUS Court Case could be the Final Piece of the Puzzle
Wouldn't it be ironic that January 6th, 2023 could be the date that kick starts another unforgettable day in America's history?
BrainStorm17 interview with Derek Johnson: The Power is being given back to the People
He has been using his past experiences and also his research to try to convince people of the importance of knowing history and how our American political system works. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.
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