Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts
Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.
Matt Gaetz questions Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin & goes Nuclear on Him! (VIDEO)
Matt Gaetz questions Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin & goes Nuclear on Him! Well here was an interesting conversation.
Representative Jim Jordan tells the truth about “Hunter’s Laptop from Hell” (VIDEO)
Representative Jim Jordan tells the truth about "Hunter's Laptop from Hell". It is time that the justice system do their job.
John Solomon: New Durham Filing is Explosive! (VIDEO)
John Solomon: New Durham Filing is Explosive! Was there a conspiracy to take down an elected President of the United States?
The World Economic Forum is Evil & Pelosi learns what a Woman is (VIDEO)
The World Economic Forum is Evil & Pelosi learns what a Woman is. Everyone needs to know about what the World Economic forum is.
Fox News asks if Azov Battalion are Nazi & Ukraine President Zelensky can’t say that they Aren’t (VIDEO) - Fox News asks if Azov Battalion are Nazi & Ukraine President Zelensky can't say that they Aren't.
Representative Madison Cawthorn defines what a Woman is on the House Floor for Nancy Pelosi (VIDEO) - North Carolina Representative Madison Cawthorn defines what a Woman is on the House Floor for Nancy Pelosi.
Ukraine Citizens talk about the Azov Battalion & it is the Complete Opposite of what CNN is telling us (VIDEO) - Ukraine Citizens talk about the Azov Battalion & it is the Complete Opposite of what CNN is telling us.
Rapper Lil Nas X has full-blown Satanic Routine at 2022 Grammy Awards (VIDEO)
Rapper Lil Nas X has full-blown Satanic Routine at 2022 Grammy Awards. Just when you thought that Hollywood couldn't get any worse. is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.
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