Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts
Check out all of the latest Patrick Byrne Telegram Posts! Patrick Byrne is an American businessman and former CEO of He is currently heavily involved in exposing the fraud and corruption that occurred during the 2020 election.
Dr. Meri Crouley interviews ITALYGATE whistleblower Maria Zack 9/16/21
Dr. Meri Crouley does an interview with Italygate whistleblower Maria Zack. She talks about what really happened in the 2020 election.
Project Veritas: (VIDEO) FDA Official says to use Blow Darts to Vaccinate the Unvaccinated!
Here is the Project Veritas latest undercover video. This time the video is of an FDA official who says all sorts of controversial statements
Dominion’s filed Lawsuit Backfires Bigtime! Court allows Sidney Powell’s legal team a Deposition of Eric Coomer
I believe that they thought that Sidney Powell would curl up in a corner and say "I give up". Dominion, you messed with the wrong person.
Michael Jaco talks about Australia, the take down of the Deep State and we have reached our Boiling Point (VIDEO)
Michael Jaco talks about the problems in Australia, the upcoming take down of the Deep State and how we have all reached our boiling point.
Justin Trudeau says that he is for LGBTQ rights but doesn’t even know how to say it (VIDEO) - Justin Trudeau speaks in front of a crowd and says that he is for LGBTQ rights but yet doesn't even know how to say it.
Bill Gates is highly visibly Shaken after being asked about his past relationship with Jeffrey Epstein (VIDEO)
Bill Gates is highly visibly Shaken after being asked about his past relationship with Jeffrey Epstein (VIDEO)
The Two Mikes interview General Mcinerney and talk about Ivermectin instead of Vaccination & General Milley Scandal (AUDIO)
General Mcinerney has been very vocal and he states that the use of the Covid vaccines on children has been absolutely criminal.
Still think the Conspiracy Theory that the Plan to put us into Camps is a whacko idea? This Proves that this Theory is Absolutely Right!
Conservatives are saying that the CDC's goal is to put the unvaccinated into camps to separate them from the "healthy" vaccinated individuals is now posting on Telegram! Follow our channel for the latest posts.
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